El Rancho del Corazón

22 Professionals

I WOKE UP to one of my favorite sensations. I was being sucked almost to the point of no return. It was being helped along by the tongue flicking my nipples. I opened my eyes to see Mary working her magic on my nips and Cassie bending over my cock.

“Are we okay for one more?” Cassie asked.

“Oh yeah,” I sighed. Cassie moved to position her sweet pussy over my mouth as Mary shifted to using her hands and fingers, including finding her way into Cassie’s pussy. With the oral, digital, and visual stimulation, it didn’t take long for either Cassie or me to groan as we came. Oh God, what a sweet girl! We three cuddled up with each other.

“What would you like, compañera?” Cassie asked, reaching across me to pet Mary’s hair.

“Do you think you could come like that and I didn’t get off?” Mary giggled. She stroked my cock and pulled my fingers into her pussy. “I’m not quite ready yet,” she said. “Almost, though. I just want it to be special for my first time, you know? Brian, when I’m ready, will you make love to me?”

“Mary, you are sweet and sexy and I love you. If that’s what you’d like, I will be happy to make love to you,” I said. It had taken me all summer to realize that little fact.

“I’m not asking to be your novia or cónyuge,” Mary said. “But Sora and Sarah are your compañera and you make love to them. You did say I was your compañera.” I nodded and kissed her forehead.

“And mine, sweetheart,” Cassie said. “Don’t think I’m going to forget about you.”

“I know.” The two girls kissed each other while I petted them. “I’m going to be eighteen in October. I’m thinking, if it would be okay, that I’d like to spend part of Thanksgiving weekend with you,” Mary said.

“I’ll tell people but make sure Rose knows. She’ll take care of everything.”

“I just love her! She’s like O-negative.”


“The universal donor. Anytime you need a love transfusion, she’s right there with it,” Mary said.

We cuddled some more. It was almost time to lead forms and Cassie gave me another blistering kiss.

“I’m glad we got that taken care of last night,” Cassie said. “My mother is on-duty in the camper with Dr. McCall next week. That should be interesting!” I laughed and hugged her. “Brian, I don’t know exactly what you said to my father, but thank you.”


“At the parents’ meeting, when they decided to lend us the money. Everything changed right after the meeting,” Cassie said.

“What changed?” I asked. I remembered having a conversation with Mr. Clinton and, as usual, I was sure I’d overstepped my boundaries with him.

“He just… He pulled Josh and me into a hug and he was crying. He just said that he understood things he didn’t before and, if I wanted to leave Bethel and come to IU next year, he’d still pay for my college and I’d have his blessing. That both Josh and I had his blessing. I don’t know what you told him, but thank you. I hope you save room for Josh, Mary, and me in that big bedroom upstairs. I plan to move in next summer.”


“You can’t play builder this morning,” Hannah said when I woke to her gentle kisses Monday morning. “We have a meeting on campus.”

“Is today the day, already? Are we ready?” I asked.

“If you mean are we ready to film, no. But we’re ready for this meeting. We’re going to move into the barn this weekend, Brian. Mr. Thornton said we’re on schedule and under budget. I know I haven’t been working on crews as much the past two weeks, but I had so much work to do. Our kitchen should arrive next week. It’s all real, Brian. You need to get a shower and shave and put clean clothes on. You are a TV star today.”

We did forms and both Bea Clinton and Ruth McCall joined us. Bea frowned a little seeing her daughter show up in a bikini like the other girls, but by the time she was drenched in sweat after the workout, I think she was seriously contemplating the benefits. We all ran through the showers and dressed for the day’s work. For me, it was the first time this summer I was wearing slacks and a polo shirt instead of jeans and a T-shirt. After breakfast, Hannah gathered her briefcase from Stall One and came out in her handsome gray slacks and white blouse. The first three rooms finished were the office, the utility room, and the downstairs bathroom. Mr. Thornton said all three bathrooms would be functional by Wednesday.

“Could I ride along to the U?” Sandy asked. “I’m registering for classes this fall.”

“That’s great, Sandy!” I said. “Hannah, do we have room? Who all is going?”

“It’s just you and me, babe,” she said. “This time. We’ve got plenty of room for Sandy.”


We wandered into the not-so-impressive lobby of the Broadcast Media Center and looked around. It was a pretty old building and had been added to and updated to contain both classrooms and the school’s radio and television studios. Hannah looked at the directory on the wall and discovered that Professor Lonnie Phillips’s office was on the third floor. There was no elevator. Oh well. We climbed.

At ten o’clock sharp, we stood outside his office and knocked. The door was open and Professor Phillips looked up at us. He stood.

“Ms. Gordon? Come in. Come in,” he said. He shook Hannah’s hand and turned to me.

“Professor Phillips, this is Brian Frost—Chef Brian of Young Cooking,” Hannah said.

“Pleased to meet you, sir,” I said as we shook hands.

“Well, have a seat and let’s talk about your proposal,” Professor Phillips said. “I’ve looked at the video tapes you sent and I’m impressed. Harvey Grissom sent a glowing recommendation, as well. So, tell me what it is you are looking for here at IU.” He was direct and to the point, like a man with other business to take care of, but extending every courtesy. I sat back and watched Hannah go into action.

“Professor Phillips, we’re moving here to the Bloomington area so Brian and several other members of our clan can start school in a couple of weeks. But as you know by now, Young Cooking has reached a level of momentum that would suffer incredibly if we were to take a break and let Brian be a normal college student. Therefore, we intend to continue production.”

“I see. And you want to use our facilities?”

“No, sir. Just your talent and a little equipment,” Hannah laughed. “We have a new kitchen studio under construction in the home where we’ll be living. Here are the architect’s sketches. We designed it to be both functional for our extended family use and to be an actual studio setting with lighting and great camera angles. As you can see, we are even equipped for a live studio audience if we want one. We are about two weeks from being fully equipped with everything except camera and sound. That’s what we are looking for here. Your educational television station, WIUX, has already gained a reputation for training people in all areas of television production. But your programming is currently ninety-five percent PBS network shows and only five percent originated here at IU. We’d like to help you increase the opportunity for your students to work on an actual, syndicated broadcast. What Young Cooking needs is behind the camera talent. We’d like to have a student crew assigned to record and edit our show.”

“I see. And exactly what would IU and our program get in return?” he asked.

“Well, the obvious is that your students would gain invaluable practical experience working in our state-of-the-art kitchen studio. However, I am sure you have many opportunities for free practical experience. That’s what college is all about, isn’t it?” He grinned and nodded at Hannah’s assessment. Damn! She’s good. “We are proposing to give WIUX first broadcast rights to the show, similar to the way that WBBT in South Bend has had in the past. Granted, this expands the programming by only a half-hour each week, but that is just the beginning. Once we have the bugs worked out, we plan to start filming specials, as well. Some of these will be focused on holidays, others on themes and special events. There may even be opportunities to put some of your students in front of the camera instead of behind it. We are offering a ground-floor opportunity to enter into a partnership. You can consider it a teaching laboratory.”

“Ms. Gordon, are you looking for a job teaching here at IU?” Professor Phillips asked. He laughed. “That is one of the best pitches I’ve ever heard at a student level. I couldn’t offer you a fulltime position, but we could have you come in on occasion as a guest lecturer.”

“Professor, I just barely graduated from high school. I don’t think I’m up to teaching college classes.” For the first time, Hannah appeared a little flustered and blushed.

“Don’t worry about that,” he replied. “You know that the entire television industry is only a little over fifty years old? We are in the midst of massive new technology changes. All our video editing equipment here at the U will be obsolete in two to five years. The personal computer will change everything about how we produce and edit television. Up until a few years ago, the big television shows were being shot on 35mm film and converted to video after all the editing and effects were done. Now we are recording to video tape. In a few years, the recordings might go directly to the computer. We have researchers here at the University who are working on exactly that technology.”

“Wow!” I said. It was the first thing I’d said since we entered the office and was not particularly erudite.

“The thing is,” Professor Phillips continued, ignoring my outburst, “that in college we don’t teach the future of technology. We teach the past. It’s people who are actually working in the industry who turn the future into something we can teach. Ms. Gordon, do not underestimate whether or not you could teach in our classrooms.”

“Um… Thank you, sir. About our proposal…”

“How soon can I see your studio?”

“Well, most of it will be delivered next week. I’d rather wait another week,” Hannah said. At last I had an inspiration.

“Professor Phillips, why don’t you join us for dinner one evening? I’ll do a demonstration of our kitchen and then we can eat the results,” I said. Hannah flipped through her Day-Timer. I had no idea how much she had in that book or what any of it meant.

“We could do it the weekend of the eighteenth,” she said. “What would work best for you, Professor Phillips? Friday or Saturday night?” Did my little producer girlfriend just put the close on a college professor? Holy shit! He flipped through his own calendar.

“Since we are talking about dinner, is my wife invited?” he asked. We grinned and both nodded our heads. “Let’s say Saturday evening, then.”

“Why don’t we start early since you want to be there for the operation of the kitchen, not just the meal,” Hannah said. “Let’s say five-thirty with dinner at seven.” Well, she’d just given me my prep and demo parameters.

“Five-thirty it is,” Professor Phillips said. “Would you like a tour of our facilities now that we are near a production agreement?” We are? I was really glad Hannah was my producer!


We had a little time before Sandy would be ready to go, so Hannah and I drove over to K-Mart. We bought every big towel we could find. There were fifteen people in our casa. We figured three towels each for our big celebration. Hannah chose half a dozen different shampoos and shower gels. Then we went to Sears and using the account number Ron gave us, I spent nearly $2,000 to get three washing machines and dryers. When we picked up Sandy, we were still giggling.

“Did you get all registered?” Hannah asked Sandy.

“Yes! I’m so excited. All my credits transferred and I’m actually going to go back to school,” Sandy said. “I’m so glad I met you guys.”

“So, Sandy. Do you live at the ranch now?” I asked. Hannah elbowed me in the ribs.

“Well… um… Doug said it would be okay. I’m contributing my share of the rent. Honest! Is it…? Oh shit! I should have talked to the Patrón!” Sandy was shaking and Hannah pulled her into a hug.

“Brian!” she hissed. I pulled into a strip mall and found a parking space.

“Sandy,” I said, reaching across Hannah to touch our friend. Hannah unfastened seatbelts and practically dragged Sandy into the middle between us. “Sandy, it’s not like that at all. Don’t think you have to have my permission. Doug, Rhiannon, Doreen, and George have their own casa. They don’t have to ask my permission to have you join them. Are you joining them? That was all my question was.”

“Yes. But the rules say to treat everyone with kindness and respect and it was disrespectful of me not to talk to you about it. And Rose! She’ll think I’m terrible,” Sandy cried.

“Absolutely not!” I said. “Rose has liked you since the first day we met you. Remember, it was she who invited you to our fire. Sandy, I’m thrilled that you have joined us.”

“Really? I… When I first met you… I… I… thought maybe I’d, like, get it on with you. And then, I brought some sandwiches out one day while Doug, Doreen, and Rhiannon were camping out here. And they were so funny. They asked me to come out more often, and I did, and then we sort of got to playing around a little, and when they actually had a house they asked me to spend the night, only there was only one bed, and everybody was naked, and I sort of joined in. And I really like them. Maybe… Maybe I love them.”

“What I think is that we should have an official ‘welcome to the clan’ fire this weekend.”

Sandy kissed me.



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