El Rancho del Corazón

37 Girlfriend for a Day

IN COMPLETE DISREGARD for Hannah’s declaration, every member of all three casas showed up for forms on Saturday morning at six-thirty completely naked. Hannah shook her head and stripped right there on the lawn. I did the same thing. And I worked everyone hard and we lost track of time until we heard a car pulling into the driveway. Then everyone ran for their houses and showers.

That was the beginning of the chaos that marked our first day of shooting Young Cooking with Chef Brian. I had my sweat shorts and a T-shirt nearby, so I snatched them on as everyone scattered. Hannah ran for a shower and told me to help them bring in the equipment. I helped Lonnie, but mostly just showed him where to put things and where the outlets were. He had three guys and a girl with him and backed the TV station van up to our loading door. By the time the equipment was in and I’d given them the rough blocking for the show, Hannah was showered, professionally dressed, and downstairs to take over. Sam and Elaine brushed by me as I was going upstairs to shower and rushed to assist Hannah. Liz took charge of my shower and made sure there was no chance I’d have an erection during the filming. Rose and Sora made sure I was dressed, combed, petted, and prodded. Jennifer and Courtney had already gone downstairs to help with breakfast.

Having the setup crew arrive just at the end of forms meant that none of us had eaten yet. We’d planned for a quick and simple meal that could be put in the oven and eaten an hour later. We got it in before forms, but when the girls pulled it out of the oven they discovered it had boiled over and we had a smoky mess in the oven I planned to use for the demonstration. It had to cool before it could be cleaned, but the food was set out and everyone managed to get a bite of the breakfast casserole—including Lonnie’s crew.

Then we had to clean everything while they set cameras and experimented with the lighting levels. The student cameramen and video tech were pretty impressed with the quality of the setting. Then the girlfriends arrived with their entourage. Hannah had been very specific about the number of people and at least there were only six. But Cathy was backing out.

“I have a pimple on my nose! I can’t be on TV,” she cried. None of the other girls wanted to trade places until they’d seen what was going to happen. Elaine came out to see if she could correct the problem with some makeup, but it was pretty obvious and Cathy wasn’t going to get on camera. I’d specifically scripted everything for today’s presentation with two assistants in mind.

“Jennifer!” I called out. She came running, even though she had smudges on her face from cleaning the oven. “Yes, cónyuge,” she panted.

“Honey, we need another girlfriend today. You are a good match for Dawn. Would you do it? Please?”

“I’m a mess, Brian! I didn’t even shower after forms.”

“You have time now. Go ahead, sweetheart.”

“Only because I love you, Brian. Liz! I have to go clean up. You get the oven!” Jennifer called as she headed for the stairs.


“I’m sure this is the place,” Dawn was whispering to her group. “I only came out here once last spring with Steve, but there used to be a house and he said it burned down.”

“What do you care? He’s a scum and besides, he spent the weekend while you were gone with that little bitch from Tau,” said one of her friends.

“Oh, we’re through, all right,” Dawn said. “I just don’t want them to think I’m mixed up with that group. Why didn’t any of you warn me last spring?”

“Excuse me,” I said, breaking into their conversation. “I’m sorry, but I overheard what you were saying. We’re not going to have any trouble with Steve again because his girlfriend—or ex-girlfriend—is working on this show with us, are we?”

“No, Brian. We are so through. I hear he got beat up this weekend while I had to go to Indy to pass on the Fair Queen crown. I’d like to meet the guy who put him down sometime, just to give him a big kiss as a thank you,” she said. I grimaced a little. I was glad she wasn’t with the group who came out Sunday night. “By the way, when does the star get here? Or is he in his dressing room? We’ll get to meet him before we actually go on set, won’t we?”

Holy crap. They didn’t know they were going to work with me. They thought I was Hannah’s assistant! Well, so far, I’d been cleaning like everyone else. We hadn’t really done formal introductions yet and it was already after nine.

“I’ll check,” I said. “I know we’re supposed to get started shortly.” I’d been chased out of the backstage prep area by Elaine already. Liz, Jennifer, Courtney, and Sora had finally chased me out of the kitchen as they were cleaning up the breakfast mess.

“Elaine! We can’t run the dishwasher during taping!” Hannah called. She was wearing a headset and was sitting in front of a monitor next to the female student Lonnie brought. She was working the levels of sound for the cameras. “We can hear it through the mikes.”

“Okay, sweetie!” I heard from behind the set. “We’ll cut it when you say.”

“Great! Brian!” she yelled.

“I’m right behind you, novia,” I whispered.

“We need to get started. You should get your girlfriends into the kitchen.”

“We haven’t been introduced yet. They think we’re waiting for the star to show up,” I laughed.

“Oh, crap! We need an intro meeting. The crew needs to be introduced, too. How could I forget that?” Hannah was panting and not quite at the stage of panic.

“Hannah, honey, you’ve got everything under control. We planned for delays and little problems. We’ll be just fine. Take a deep breath and just call the production to order,” I said, far more calmly than I felt.

“Maybe you could just take me upstairs and fuck me until I pass out?” she said plaintively. That was a real temptation.

“I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille,” Jennifer called, coming down the stairs. I glanced over at her, worried about what I’d find, but she was dressed in a nice skirt and blouse that were quite compatible with the way the other guests were dressed.

“Finally!” Hannah yelled, using the interruption to get everyone relaxed. “Meeting time. Everybody to the front of the set and let’s get organized to put this puppy on tape.”

Hannah introduced Lonnie and the IU camera and sound crew. Then she turned to the sorority girls and introduced them all explaining that Dawn would be assisting the chef today. She called on Jennifer and introduced her to Dawn as the other assistant. Hannah then explained that a lot about the show took place off-camera and they would all get a tour ‘backstage’ after filming. She introduced Elaine as head of our backstage crew with Courtney and Sora. Samantha was introduced as Hannah’s assistant and we were told that Whitney, Liz, and Rose were officially our clean-up crew today.

“So, welcome to Casa del Fuego and Hearthstone Entertainment. Jennifer and Dawn, if you’d step over here behind the counter and the five of you girls take the seats we’ve assigned. Let’s get everyone in places and let me know when you are ready to roll. We’ll introduce our star. Light applause is okay, but hearthmates, please no hooting and hollering. This is for real,” Hannah said.

“Rolling!” the girl at the console called.

“Everyone quiet!” Hannah called. “Here is the star of Young Cooking, Chef Brian!” I stepped around the counter to join Jennifer and Dawn.

“Good morning, girlfriends,” I said. Jennifer offered her cheek to me for a kiss which I did.

“You?” Dawn squeaked. “But…”

“This is our first show in our new kitchen near the campus of Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana,” I said. “We’re going to do some very simple cooking this morning while we give you a tour of our kitchen. It might be a little bigger than your kitchen because we feed a lot of people in our house. But you’ll find that everything here is just a bigger version of what you have at home.”

“Cut!” Hannah called. “We’ve had our little fun surprise for Dawn. Sorry to have shocked you so much, honey, but Brian and I only realized this morning that you didn’t know he was the star of the show. If you will give us just a few moments to check the tape and review sound levels and camera angles, we’ll reshoot the intro and then go on. Dawn, this time if you can follow Jen’s lead and offer your cheek to Brian for a kiss, I promise he won’t bite. Oh! And here are your aprons, ladies.”

Now that we were actually rolling, Hannah was in full producer/director mode. Sound was checked and mikes were adjusted. Two of the girls at the counter were moved a little to the left so the camera could get a better angle. We poured them all cups of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, and in fifteen minutes we were rolling again. There was a lot more stopping and starting during the filming, but by noon we were ready for a break and started reviewing footage to see what we needed to reshoot. Hannah invited everyone to the dining table and we found sandwiches, salad, and soft drinks there.

“I’d like to introduce Casa de la Tierra and Casa del Agua,” Hannah said. “Knowing we had an extra-long filming schedule today, they’ve brought lunch for us. That’s Brenda, Louise, and Carl from Casa de la Tierra. Here are Rhiannon, Doreen, Sandy, and Doug from Casa del Agua. Thank you, guys!” We dug in and Dawn cornered me.

“This feels so legitimate,” she started.

“Is there a reason you’d think it isn’t?” I asked.

“You just… Well you didn’t strike me as a television star when we met. You’re so…”


“I didn’t mean it that way!” she backpedaled. “Yeah. You’re short. I’m tall. I’m also obviously a stuck-up bitch. I’m sorry. I meant that when we see television shows, everyone is tall. I’ve never seen a short actor.”

“Well, the truth is most actors are pretty average in size. I’m on the short side, but there aren’t that many who are six feet. Did you see Little Big Man or Rainman?” I asked.

Rainman was so sweet,” Dawn said.

“Well, it happens that I’m taller than Dustin Hoffman. He’s 5'6".”

“But Tom Cruise is big! He’s taller than Dustin Hoffman.”

“He is. Cruise is 5'7". Same as me. Dimples make a guy look taller.” I could tell she was going to the library after we were finished to start looking up the bios of some of the current stars to see if I was telling the truth.

“Are we actually going to get to eat what we cook today?” she finally asked.

“Well, the last step of the process when we start filming again, will be to actually cook the stuff. Assuming we don’t ruin it and have to retake too many times, you and Jennifer will get to sit with your sorority sisters at the counter and I’ll serve you all. They won’t be big servings, though, so go ahead and eat lunch.”

“How did you ever manage to create a place like this? What’s upstairs?”

“Our bedroom is upstairs. When the house burned down last spring, we were without a home. We decided to remodel the barn,” I said.

“Wait! You live here?”


“You and all these girls?”

“It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?” I laughed. She looked pointedly at the front of my pants.

“How long does this ‘girlfriend’ thing last? Would you like to do something after the filming?” she whispered. She startled me and I whipped around to look into her face.


“Gotcha!” she laughed. “Though, I think you have five more willing girlfriends for future shows at the counter. I see Hannah signing them up. Our sorority could probably supply all the girlfriends you need for your first season.”


We wrapped up the last shot about three o’clock. I sat at the kitchen planning desk where the guys managed to setup a great camera angle so I could look into the camera and the girls at the counter were all in the background. Hannah and Rose both checked the shot to make sure we didn’t expose too much of our home from that angle.

“Just remember, girlfriend,” I said, looking at the camera. “No matter what, I still love you.”


After we spot-checked the tapes, we got Lonnie and crew out the door. The sorority sisters left by the front door after talking a mile a minute for at least half an hour. Hannah collapsed against the closed door and looked around the room at our casa. She fixed on me and then catapulted herself off the door and into my arms.

“Now will you fuck me unconscious? Please?” Tears were in her eyes and I could see a major meltdown on the way. What she asked for might just be what she needed. I scooped her up in my arms and headed for the stairs. Rose was half a step behind me, stripping off her shirt and bra. I got Hannah to the bed just as the tears started to flow in earnest and Rose shoved a nipple in her mouth. Hannah sucked hard and Rose gasped. Sam started working on getting Hannah’s clothes off as I pulled off her shoes and started massaging her feet. Jennifer lay down behind Rose and began kissing our Matrón. Courtney was working on Hannah’s blouse.

As soon as her pants were off, and I got my hands back on her feet, Sam wiggled far enough between Rose and Hannah that she could start licking our novia’s pussy. Courtney reached around and started playing with Hannah’s breasts. Her hips were gyrating back and forth and I knew I was going to have to move up to connect to her soon. Elaine nudged me aside and took over massaging Hannah’s feet as I crawled up and probed at her from the back. Sam’s hand guided me and by the time I was fully embedded, Hannah was crying out her first, second, and third orgasms. To think that only a few months ago, she believed that she couldn’t have an orgasm at all! And with the stimulation that Rose was getting from Hannah sucking on her and Jennifer manipulating her clit, she was mounting rapidly, as well.

Sam propped Hannah’s leg up a bit so I could really start stroking in and out of her clenching pussy. Then I felt Sam lick all the way from my scrotum up my cock and across Hannah’s clit. Hannah went off again and I barely made it all the way back inside her before I was pulsing out my come. Hannah screamed and bit down on Rose’s nipple. Rose screamed. I was seeing stars and both girls went limp.

“I’m not exactly into girls,” Whitney sighed from nearby, “but would you all mind doing me like that? Please?” I glanced around and saw Whitney, Sora, and Liz all standing naked beside us with a hand in their pussies.

“Can we order pizza for dinner, first?” I asked.


“The damned bitches,” Hannah groused good-naturedly as we sat at the table tearing into the pizzas. No one delivered out in the country, but we called in the order and Whitney and Sora went into town to pick them up. “They tried to recruit me into their sorority!”

“Me, too,” Jennifer laughed.

“Well, you could join,” Hannah continued. “When they found out I was working full time as the producer and wasn’t in school they were ‘shocked, I tell you. Shocked.’ That one girl that had a zit said, ‘but don’t you want to go to school so you can make something of your life?’ I almost hit her!”

“The nerve!” Liz said. “They have no idea what we’re doing with our lives. You want to take them on, I’ll fight side by side with you, honey.”

“You can count on all of us, Hannah,” Elaine said. “We have our own sorority and we’ll take on theirs any day of the week.”

“I like it!” Sora said. “I mean, sure I’m a member of a sorority already, but we don’t have any sorority brothers in that one.” She looked pointedly at me.

“And we have two,” Courtney added. “We should design some kind of pin with our casa symbol and some Greek letters. That stupid AXE club did it.”

“But we don’t want any additional members,” I said. “We’re full up.”

“Are you sure, Brian?” Jennifer asked. “That Dawn was pretty taken with you by the time we were done today. I think she was hanging around hoping to get an invitation to spend the night.”

“No! No, please!”



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