El Rancho del Corazón


Appendix 1: Time and Place

TIME: The day after high school graduation and following. June 1990-July 1991

PLACE: Books 1-5 take place in Northern Indiana near the town of Mishawaka. Names, streets, businesses, and schools are all representative of the places in and around St. Joseph County, but are completely fictional.

Books 6-9 take place in Monroe County, Indiana near Bloomington and Indiana University. I have tried to be faithful to information about IU, but the entire story that takes place on the IU campus is fiction. None of these events happened nor are any of the people identified as professors, administrators, staff, and students actual or based on actual people at IU. There are two exceptions. I could not talk about the Indiana Hoosiers basketball team without mentioning Bobby Knight as coach, however there is nothing about the legendary coach other than mentioning him as coach. Since so much action in Books 6-8 includes both the men’s and women’s basketball teams and varsity football, I have been faithful to their record of wins, losses, and scores with occasional mention of actual players in that context. All other places, unless they are landmarks in the area, are fictional.



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