Team Manager SWISH!

"A wonderful book, without the typical 'can't fail' hero. This one has flaws, and a troubled background (practically everyone in the story does), but things work out for everyone. I especially like the graceful transition to the next book, opening up entirely new storylines without curtailing any of the current ones."

Cover for Team Manager Swish

Team Manager SWISH! is the tale of a runty nearsighted geek, the abused kid in his class, who becomes the manager of the girls' basketball team and finds acceptance, friendship, courage, and love. That's it in a nutshell but, of course, it's a long and arduous road to reach that goal. Winning the love of the girls on the team is simple compared to overcoming the odds against him staying alive long enough to know.


"Every bit as good as his Model Student or even Living Next Door to Heaven. Dennis is a nerdy shrimp who wants to pursue a career as a sports trainer. He's little and can barely see through coke-bottle glasses, but he's also in terrific shape and a top-notch student. Works hard to be the team manager for the boy's basketball team in his high school, but everything blows up when the team members gang up on him and make him do nasty things. He gets some revenge, but ends up looking for a new opportunity. New female Latin teacher who was a former basketball player in college spots several gals who she thinks would make a girl's basketball team for the high school. It's a bit unusual to have a guy be team manager for a girls' team, but that's where Dennis ends up, and before he knows it, he has nine girlfriends. You'll have to get the book and read it to find out what happens!"

—Texan In Paris

Team Manager SPRINT!

"Man oh man this story just went up one more notch in my view. I struggle to find words to describe the feelings awakened by the series of events."

Cover for Team Manager SPRINT

Basketball season was very good to Dennis. Despite his short stature and coke-bottle glasses, the girls' basketball team fell in love with him and have all claimed him as their boyfriend. But that was yesterday. Today starts track season.

Dennis has more challenges to meet, winning the confidence of the track team, picking up the pieces of other lives, stopping an unbalanced younger geek, and holding down a summer job. In the midst of that, he receives a remarkable gift and discovers he's grown.

"Nice evolution of our main character, though I hope he gets to move off the sidelines somewhat in the next book."


Team Manager COACH!

"I love what the author has done with this series and how he has incorporated such distinct characters into the story. Did not follow the usual trope rules, and I appreciated the originality. Only problem is now I have to wait for the next one!"

Cover for Team Manager COACH

Dennis is a junior and is taking as many college credit classes as he can cram into his schedule. What's more, his responsibilities in the Athletic Department keep growing. How did a hundred kids show up on the track for his conditioning exercises? And who ever heard of coaches getting in shape? And why did he never notice what a fox Coach Graves was before?

And still, the crew is holding together and the team is headed for another fantastic season.


Team Manager CHAMP!

"An enjoyable read from start to finish. I have come to expect good things from Devon, and he did not disappoint. It did leave me still wanting more, I guess we will see. One of his best series filled with enjoyable characters that you want to know about, see succeed and hope for."

Cover for Team Manager CHAMP

The Angelines are on a winning streak with a perfect season going when they get news that will change the entire coaching structure of the team. Can Dennis handle being ‘the man in charge?’ Ardith finds a new opportunity and it could be the means for the entire crew to stay together—with her as a part of it. But until then, with the District Attorney investigating the morals of Bartley School System, everyone needs to keep a low profile. Not exactly easy when a corporate rivalry threatens to upend everything the Angelines and Dennis have worked for.

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